How much free time will you have?
I’m at a bar alone after a happy hour. It’s 6:37 p.m., Old Fashioned in hand. It makes me wonder how much free time you’ll have when you’re a parent. How many nights will I get to go to a happy hour or to sit and read or write?
Lately, my time has gone to tying Christine’s shoes or pushing on her back to help her get off the couch. Her tummy itches. Last week, I used my beard whiskers to scratch. It’s weird.
I feel confident and excited about welcoming Camille into the world. The only thing I think about—not even in a negative sense, more just in the sense that I think about it—is about the time I’ll have to read and write.
I like to read. I just finished the 700-page door stopper in Thomas Sowell’s Basic Economics. I’m a quarter of the way through Graham and Dodd’s investment masterpiece Security Analysis. I just finished the bond section, headed toward equities. Every day I open up The Wall Street Journal, The New York Times, The Economist, and several other publications and at least a half-dozen newsletters.
Will I have time for that starting in February? What will life be like without these leisurely pleasures?
My bet and hope is that time with Camille will be much more enjoyable.